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(December 30, 2023 - January 5, 2024 )

This week on American Radio Journal: Dr. Paul Kengor the new Editor-In-Chief of the American Spectator talks about the history and impact of the venerable publication; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth has the Real Story on key 2024 U.S. Senate races; Eric Boehm and Stephanie Slade of Reason magazine report on the colorful & Libertarian history of Key West; And, Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring USA has an American Radio Journal commentary on the 2024 Presidential Election.

(December 23, 2023 - December 29, 2023 )

This week on American Radio Journal: Lowman Henry talks with Greg Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition about his new book: A Very Convenient Warming: How Modest Warming and More CO2 Are Benefitting Humanity; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth has the Real Story on a Colorado Supreme Court ruling tossing Donald Trump from the Republican primary ballot; Eric Boehm of Reason magazine talks with Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute about California’s huge budget deficit; And, Jonathan Williams from the American Legislative Exchange Council has an American Radio Journal commentary on big policy wins at the state level in 2023.

(December 16, 2023 - December 22, 2023 )

This week on American Radio Journal: Mike Gonzalez from the Heritage Foundation provides analysis of a congressional hearing during which three university presidents failed to condemn hate speech against the Jewish people; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth has the Real Story on a new leader for the House Freedom Caucus; Eric Boehm of Reason magazine discusses the drawbacks of administrative courts with Stone Washington of the Competitive Enterprise Institute; And, Dr. Paul Kengor from the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City College has an American Radio Journal commentary on why It’s a Wonderful Life is the best film of all time.

(December 9, 2023 - December 15, 2023 )

This week on American Radio Journal: Lowman Henry talks with Henri Schneider of the Competitive Enterprise Institute about the pageantry and posturing at the COP28 climate summit; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth has the Real Story on the impact of Kevin McCarthy’s resignation from congress; Eric Boehm of Reason magazine talks about more COVID-19 relief fraud; And, Colin Hanna from Let Freedom Ring, USA has an American Radio Journal commentary on the lesson learned from Pearl Harbor.

(December 2, 2023 - December 8, 2023 )

This week on American Radio Journal: Wayne Crews from the Competitive Enterprise Institute reports on Ten Thousand Commandments: An Annual Snapshot of the Federal Regulatory State; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth has the Real Story on Virginia becoming a battleground state; Eric Boehm of Reason magazine looks for lessons from the recent Argentinian Presidential election; And, Jonathan Williams from the American Legislative Exchange Council has an American Radio Journal commentary on why people are flocking to Florida.

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