American Radio Journal's Air Staff
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Lowman Henry
Lowman S. Henry is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Lincoln Institute of Public Opinion Research, Inc., a non-profit public affairs foundation based in Harrisburg, PA. He serves as host of American Radio Journal heard on over 200 radio stations nationwide, and is host of the Lincoln Radio Journal, a weekly public affairs radio program syndicated on over 90 Pennsylvania radio stations. He is also President of the Pennsylvania Leadership Council, Inc., which produces the annual Pennsylvania Leadership Conference.
He began his career as a broadcast and print journalist, served as Political Director of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania, Chief of Staff to State Senator Earl Baker, and as Executive Assistant to the Attorney General of Pennsylvania. He currently serves in elective office as Chairman of the Lower Paxton Township Board of Supervisors, and previously served as a Dauphin County Commissioner. He was the Republican Party’s nominee for Pennsylvania State Treasurer in 1992.
He is Chairman of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association (PMA) and the PMA Foundation; Chairman of the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania (CAP); board member of the Foundation for Free Enterprise Education; board member at the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy in Pittsburgh; board member of the Colonial Park Rotary Club Foundation; a member of the Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania; and is a Director Emeritus of the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO). Mr. Henry is a member of New Hope Brethren in Christ church in Lower Paxton Township and is a past president of the Colonial Park Rotary Club. He is a graduate of Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania. He is married to Carol Lynn Henry, and they have three sons.

Scott Parkinson
Scott Parkinson is the Club For Growth’s Vice President of Government Affairs. Scott has worked in politics in Washington, DC for over 13 years. He has worked in the United States Senate for three Senators — John Ensign, Ron Johnson and Marco Rubio. Scott was the Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the largest caucus in the House of Representatives – under Chairmen Bill Flores and Mark Walker. He also was Chief of Staff to Representative Ron DeSantis. Most recently, he served as the Deputy Executive Director to Governor-Elect Ron DeSantis’ transition team in Tallahassee, Florida. Scott resides in Arlington, VA with his wife and two daughters.

Eric Boehm
Eric Boehm is a reporter at Reason who covers economic policy, trade policy, and elections. His writing has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Signal, The Freeman, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Washington Examiner, The Orange County Register, The Chicago Sun-Times, and elsewhere.
Boehm has been a guest on the Cato Daily Podcast to discuss his Reason cover story about how both Democrats and Republicans have embraced big government. He was the second non-lawyer to ever appear on the Institute for Justice’s Short Circuit podcast, and has been a guest on other podcasts hosted by The Libertarian Institute and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). He is a regular guest on talk-radio stations in Madison, Wisconsin, and Salt Lake City, Utah.
His 2018 piece about a curling controversy at the Winter Olympics (“Curling Is the Closest the Olympics Ever Get to Anarchy”) won 2nd place in the Los Angeles Press Club’s annual journalism award in the Sports Commentary category—finishing behind a column by “Around The Horn” panelist (and longtime Los Angeles Times columnist) Bill Plaschke.
Boehm is also an on-air staffer for American Radio Journal, where he interviews policy experts and newsmakers every week, and he has been a featured speaker at seminars hosted by the Leadership Institute and Students for Liberty.
Boehm received a bachelor’s degree in history and communications from Fairfield University in 2009. His first journalism gig involved covering local politics and high school sports for the Town & Country (no, not that one) in his hometown of Pennsburg, Pennsylvania. He wrote about Pennsylvania state politics as a reporter and bureau chief for the Pennsylvania Independent in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Later, he worked as the national regulatory reporter for while living in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Paul Kengor
Dr. Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College, a four-year, private Christian liberal arts college located in Grove City, Pennsylvania. He is executive director of the Institute for Faith & Freedom, a Grove City College think-tank/policy center. He currently services as Editor-in-Chief of the American Spectator.
Kengor is a frequent public speaker. His venues have included the National Presbyterian Church, the Reagan Library, the U.S. Capitol Building, the Commonwealth (Pennsylvania) Prayer Breakfast, the Heritage Foundation, and the Gerald R. Ford Library, among many others. He has also spoken at many colleges, including the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, the College of William & Mary, the Ave Maria College School of Law, (Ann Arbor, MI), Calvin College, Franciscan University, Regent University, Claremont McKenna College, Saint Vincent College, Patrick Henry College, the University of Pittsburgh, and more.
Kengor has done work for a number of think tanks, including the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Heritage Foundation, and has served on the editorial board of Presidential Studies Quarterly. He received his doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and his master’s degree from American University’s School of International Service. Kengor, a native of Western Pennsylvania, lives with his wife Susan in Grove City, PA, along with their children Paul, Mitch, Amanda, and Abigail.

Colin Hanna
Colin A. Hanna is President of Let Freedom Ring, a public policy non-profit promoting Constitutional government, economic freedom and traditional values. He is a tri-weekly guest on American Radio Journal airing on over 200 stations nationwide.
Colin was a Chester County Commissioner from 1995 to 2003. Let Freedom Ring was founded in 2004 and has executed several major projects on such diverse subjects as immigration, the national debt, the original intent of the Constitution, alerting the American public to China’s plans for a blue-water Navy, production-ready script development for a major motion picture on Frederick Douglass and many more. His television appearances include MSNBC’s Hardball, Fox News Hannity, Glenn Beck, Fox & Friends and many others. Colin graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a U.S. Navy veteran and lives in West Chester with Pricie, his wife of 53 years.

Jonathan Williams
Jonathan Williams is the Chief Economist and Executive Vice President of Policy at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), where he works with state policymakers, congressional leaders and members of the private sector to develop fiscal policy solutions for the states. Williams founded the ALEC Center for State Fiscal Reform in 2011 and co-authors Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer Economic State Competitiveness Index with Reagan economist Dr. Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore. Prior to joining ALEC, Williams served as staff economist at the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, authoring numerous tax policy studies.
Williams’ work has appeared in many publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Financial Times, Toronto Star and Investor’s Business Daily. He is a contributor for The Hill and a columnist at Tax Analysts, the leading provider of tax news and analysis for the global community. Williams also serves on the Advisory Board of the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF) and as an adjunct fellow at the Kansas Policy Institute. He has written for the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. In addition, Williams was a contributing author of In Defense of Capitalism (Northwood University Press).
Williams has spoken to audiences across all 50 states and provided testimony for the U.S. Congress, as well as numerous state legislative bodies. His work has been featured at the federal level by The White House, the Congressional Joint Economic Committee and the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means. He is a frequent guest on talk radio shows and has appeared on numerous television outlets, including the PBS NewsHour, Fox Business News and Bloomberg News. Williams was also the recipient of the prestigious Ludwig von Mises Award in Economics.